I am a Documentary Photographer and a Civil Engineer in Water Management based in Sydney. While I grew up in Sri Lanka, I spent 9 years in California, a year teaching English in South Korea, a year backpacking across Europe and Asia, before migrating to Australia in 1998. I have always loved writing but discovered my passion for photography while volunteering as a Conservation Photographer in South Africa during a sabbatical in 2010. That 10-month journey culminated in a voyage to Antarctica.
I love discovering places that are off the beaten track. I draw my inspiration from the natural world and the sense of freedom and adventure I find in the people I meet while travelling. I have pursued my dreams with courage and love inspiring others to do likewise. I have now travelled through 60 countries on all 7 Continents. My travels and the people I have met along the way have helped shape the person I have become.
I returned home from my sabbatical in 2010, keen to pursue my newly discovered creativity. I launched my first photographic exhibition soon after, followed a few years later with the launch of my photo book—'Fate or Destiny, Living Life with Passion'. In 2013 my partner Steven Liaros and I set up a Town Planning and Engineering consultancy. Two years later we moved into our motorhome and traveled around Australia for 5-years. I have the ability to work remotely or base myself in your town if the work warrants it. In 2020 I completed an Artist Residency in Lake Tyers, Victoria, documenting the stories of people transitioning to a New Economy. My latest residency was at the Skymirror Gallery in Sea Lake which culminate in an exhibition of my aerial abstracts.
I am a member of the Australian Photographic Society (APS) and recently obtained my Grand Master (GMAPS). I have received numerous photographic awards at national and international photographic competitions including Finalist at Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year (2024), Siena Drone Awards (2022, '23 & ’24), & HeadOn Landscape (2024). In 2024, I was also runner up in the Australian Photographer of the Year - Portrait.

People have always lived by stories. These narratives have defined our morality, belief systems and behaviour. My goal at Narratives4Change is to document, photograph and craft stories of a more resilient and regenerative future. People are already living their vision of the future. I want to hear what your vision of the future is and tell your story. Our individual stories of struggle and change point to emerging social narratives of renewal, inclusivity and harmony with the natural world. By sharing these stories I hope to build momentum to enable a shift in how we collectively see the world.
You will find my writing in our publication Ecoliving Journeys on Medium. I also write for Live View. I can document your events, ideas and campaign as a blog post, a series of images or an impactful web page. My clients have ranged from local and state government to community groups and non-profit organisations.
Be in touch if this excites and resonates with you. A detailed resume is available on request.
Exhibitions, Books & Artist in Residence
2024: Artist in Residence & Salt Lake Art Exhibition at Lake Tyrrell, Sea Lake, VIC
2020: Artist in Residence on FLOAT, Lake Tyers. Photo stories about floating a new economy in East Gippsland
2017: Documenta Art Festival in Athens. Guest lectures and discussions on new paradigms for human settlement
2016: Assembly for Alternative Futures, 20th Biennale of Sydney, exploring new futures with professionals from many disciplines
2015: Pink Sari Project, a collaborative exhibition with NSW Multicultural Health
2015: Faces, Places, Races: Migrant Stories from the Hornsby Shire. Associated solo exhibition for HeadOn with Hornsby Shire
2015: Face, Places, Races features at Festival of the Arts (FOTA) in Hornsby
2014: Fate or Destiny: Living Live with Passion. Solo exhibitions at numerous locations including pop ups in Sydney
2014: Fate or Destiny Book Published
2011: Connections: Stories from the road less travelled. First solo exhibition.

Selection of Recent International and National Photographic Awards

Awards in 2024
Australian Photography Magazine, Photographer of the Year: People: Runner Up; Aerial: Top 10; Creative: Top 20 & Landscape: Highly Commended
Capture Awards (Landscape) - 2 Highly Commended, 1 Commended
Hornsby Heights Camera Club - Photographer of the Year (2nd Place), Digital (1st) and Colour Prints (2nd) (based on points during the year)
Head On Photo Awards - Landscape - Finalist
Siena Drone Awards - Series - Commended
Mono Awards Highly Commended - Places (2) Animals (HC)
Australian Interstate Photography Competition - 2 Images selected (NSW)
Mosman Photography Awards - Shortlisted, Landscape Portfolio
Australian Photography Prize - 1 Top 5, 3 in Top 35 (Silver awards), 3HC
Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year - Finalist Mono
Better Photography Mag. POTY - Top 20 - Emotive Portraits & Classic Landscape
Top Shot - Aerial Category (3rd Place and Highly Commended)
Capture Mag. Australia’s Top Emerging Photographers - Mono Top 10 (3rd place), Landscape Top 40, Top 50 and Highly Commended
Outback International Photo Exhibition - 1 Gold, 2 Honourable Mentions
Capture Magazine, Landscape Awards Top 30, Top 100 & 2HC
NZIPP Asia Pacific Photo Awards - 1 Silver 4 Highly Commended
Awards in 2023
Hornsby Heights Camera Club - Photographer of the Year (joint), Digital and Colour Prints 1st Place (based on points during the year)
Mosman Photo Awards - Shortlisted in Art, Landscape and Mono
Capture Magazine Mono Awards Animals Top 20 (14th Place)
Image chosen for Australian Interstate Photographic Competition AIPC
Photographic Society of America - Silver Portfolio SPSA
Image Represented Australian Photographic Society - 4 Nations
Top Shot NSW FCC 3rd Place, Aerial
Sienna Drone Awards Series Commended
Narmada Circuit - 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 5 Certificates of Merit
Global Chinese Photo Association - 2 Honourable Mentions
Elvis Festival Photo Competition Overall Champion (2023)
Newcastle International 1 APS HM
Awards in 2022
Australian Photography - Top 20 Aerials - Australian Photog of the Yr
Capture - The Annual - Image selected for Aerial section
Autumn Circular Circuit - 1 Gold, 2 Honourable Mentions
Three Country Circuit - 2 Salon Honourable Mentions
Hornsby Heights Camera Club - Photographer of the Year, Digital and Colour Prints 1st Place (based on points during the year)
MP Circuit India 1 Bronze and 6 Merits
Australian Photography Prize 2 Semi Finalist 3 Commended images
Mosman Photo Awards - 2 Portfolios Shortlisted
Sienna Drone Awards Series Highly Commended
Mono Awards Top 10 Finish (7th Place)
Better Photography Magazine’s Photographer of the Year, Top 20 in Classic Landscape and Emotive Portraiture
Capture Magazine Mono Awards Top 10 (7th Place)
Represented Australian Photographic Society - 4 Nations
Top Shot NSW FCC 2nd Place, Digital Open
Tambapanni Photo Awards Sri Lanka 1 Gold, 3 other awards
Queensland International 1 Silver, 3 Bronze and 1 HM
Capture Magazine Top 20 in Art Portfolio and Top 30 Single Shot
Coachella Circuit 2 Gold Medals, 2 Bronze, 2 Judges Choice, 1 Best of Show
Awards in 2021
Australian Photography - Top 20 Aerials Australian Photog of the Year
Alone Together Hornsby Shire - Winner Adult Category
NZIPP Asia Pacific Photo Awards - 1 Silver 3 Highly Commended
Majestic Circuit, India - Bronze and Gold Medal
Syrmia Circuit, Montenegro - Salon HM, Salon Bronze
Lake Macquarie, Australia - PSA Bronze + 7 other awards
Better Photography Magazine Photo of the Year - 2 Silver Medals
Heritage Bank - Finalist in Illustrative Category

Photographic Honours & Professional Qualifications
2024: Excellence Photographic Society America (EPSA)
2023: Grand Master Australian Photography Society (GMAPS)
2023: Excellence Fédération Internationale de l'Art Photographique (EFIAP)
2023: Portfolio Distinction: Silver Photographic Society America (SPSA)
2009: Adv. Diploma in Project Management, Project Management Partners
2008: Grad. Dip. in Local Govt. Management, UTS Sydney
1989: Master of Science in Civil Eng. (Water), UC Berkeley
1986: Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Hons), University of Moratuwa Sri Lanka